This article is inspired by the example of the CEO, Founder, and Board Chairman of a world-class, multi-billion-dollar American company.

Each of us in varying degrees admires and perhaps even respects the successful. Secretly, we may wonder, “What is their secret?” We always ask, “How did they do it?” Even when we think we know the answers to both questions, do we really know?

The “How” in our mind seeks to know if a “process” was involved; something perhaps available to others – ourselves, for example.

The “How” in my mind centers on the personal qualities of the SUCCESSFUL. I would not have the benefit of birthright, wealth, and social and political access for example. The question then becomes, what qualities of character, habit, and personality, when combined, could reasonably result in the success we pursue?

I begin with the idea that the SUCCESSFUL are relentless. They are clear in their purpose which is why they never give up! I can relate to that from an earlier career. The SUCCESSFUL worthy of emulation do not know how to give up! It can be that simple.

I know this about the SUCCESSFUL: They are intentional regarding the choices they make. They know that ultimately in life and business, SUCCESS and failure can often be distilled to the choices we make. SUCCESS is about the actions we take and a willingness to be held accountable for them. The SUCCESSFUL live by the creed – action is the prescription for SUCCESS. They will tell you to be guided by your vision of the outcome you feel is achievable.

SUCCESS, then, is about commitment; commitment to a goal, an idea, an individual, an organization; to something that elevates an individual’s actions beyond the norm.

The SUCCESSFUL are frequently inventive in their pursuit of the goals that inspire them. The goals that propel them to sleep fewer hours; to persevere while exhausted while others succumb to fatigue; to run the race just a little harder. They ask the dumb questions without fearing a loss of face. They always want to know just a little bit more. While many of us might fear risk, to the SUCCESSFUL, risk, when calculated, is not a deterrent, rather a source of inspiration.

Often, the SUCCESSFUL want it all recognizing that their perseverance could result in attaining “more” rather than the “less” others would have accepted.

The SUCCESSFUL believe in the utility of a roadmap that defines the goals they seek to achieve, how they will approach them, and when they expect to achieve SUCCESS. The SUCCESSFUL are always aware of their “Why” – that which inspires them beyond normal horizons. They see the invisible.

I think the SUCCESSFUL march to the beat of a different drummer. The one quality that defines each of them is they are RELENTLESS. They never give up!


