The Business of the 21st Century – Robert Kiyosaki with John Fleming & Kim Kiysaki

By August 15, 2012Bookshelf

Book Review by George Kennedy

When Robert Kiyosaki speaks, people listen! His latest book, The Business of The 21st Century, is an essential read if you’re trying to establish a foothold in the current economy.

Kiyosaki offers a convincing rationale to understand why Network Marketing is the business model for the future.


Because the world is finally starting to awaken to the reality that the Industrial Age is over. Old World thinkers as he calls them insist this is not so, but, for the millions who were victims of the Old Order the past several years, the authors provide clear, cogent reasons to view Network Marketing by its very nature and design… as a strikingly fair, democratic, socially responsible system of generating wealth.

